My Doctor Online (NCAL Only) MOD + data
Membres KP Californie du Nord: Obtenez les rappels de santé pour vous et votre famille!
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la description
My Doctor Online for Kaiser Permanente Northern California members. Stay connected with your doctor and care – and your family's – anytime, anywhere.
App features:
• Schedule appointments, including video visits, in Medicine, Women’s Health, Pediatrics, and Optometry. If your doctor has made a referral, you can also schedule a specialty appointment using the app.
• Try an E-visit for quick, convenient online care for common health concerns.
• Join a video visit right from the app.
• Receive appointment reminders and details, cancel or reschedule appointments, and access past visit information.
• Get preventive health reminders.
• Refill prescriptions.
• View lab test results.
• Email your doctors and attach photos from your phone.
• Call our 24/7 Appointment and Advice Call Center.
• Search for doctors and health information.
• Get timely health tips to help you stay well.
My Doctor Online: Your personalized care in one place!
Getting Started
After you download and launch the app, you’ll be asked for your user name and password. If you are a Northern California member and don’t yet have a user name and password, you can register from the app – just tap “Sign In Help” and follow the prompts.
Détails sur für My Doctor Online (NCAL Only) MOD
Site officiel
Site officielVersion de l'application